
Summary and Exercises of I Was My Own Route , By: Julia de Burgos

  I Was My Own Route 1. Summary : This poem is composed by Julia de Burgos. Most of her poems are rich with themes of blackness, nationalism, feminism and social justice. In this poem also we find her doing feminism. In other words, she is advocating for equal women rights to those of men. Here her aim is to make women aware of their rights and freedom. She encourages them to detach themselves from the age worn patriarchal norms, and move on the path of  setting up own identity. But she has not put her idea in any argumentative or advisory way. She only presents her own example as to how she detached herself from the age worn  norms to set up her  identity. Initially she was ready to follow the norms set up by male-dominated society. But she felt she was a different stuff, she was not a woman of the 'past', she was she was made of 'nows'.  With this realization she boldly defied (refused to obey) the idea that her course of life would be determined by the males. She det

The Awakening Age By: Ben Okri : Summary and Exercises

  The Awakening Age By: Ben Okri 1. Awaking ---- What is it ? Awaking is the act of waking up from sleep.  It also refers to a new or sudden consciousness. Any time you realize or accept something important and life changing, it can be called an 'awaking'. 2. The Awakening Age : Title Justification  Ben Okri is a Nigerian poet. In this poem the poet communicates with his country people by addressing them directly.   The Nigerians have suffered a lot in the age long slavery imposed upon them by  their white rulers. Furthermore, the three years of devastating civil war smashed their lives into pieces. They are in the mud of poverty, misery, uneducatedness, despair and segmentation.  Here the speaker presents a new vision for the betterment of his countrymen where there will be hopes, glory, joy, unity, and harmony. That is, they have to enter into an age of awakening. The awakening age is a new age/era of enlightenment where a new new world is reigned by love, peace, togetherness

Summary and Exercises of Fritz Karinthy's Play Refund

  [An one Act Play :  By --Fritz Karinthy] 1. Some Points At a Glance A. Introduction : This one act play is about a man of about forty years, who goes back to his school after eighteen years with a claim to have his tuition fees refunded because he thinks that the school did not teach him any thing worth, because he could not secure any job in his life. The school education had only made him a worthless ignorant person.  At first the Principal was not ready for it, but later all the teachers gave him a re-examination, and they outsmarted him in it. Finally, he was collared-out from the Principal's office without being given any refund. B. Genre : One Act Play/ Satire, it is a satire on the modern education system C. Main Characters : Wasserkopf (He is the central character who comes to his school after eighteen years because he thinks that he learnt nothing form his school) The Principal The Servant The Mathematics Master (Another very important character , who leads through the