Summary and Exercises of Fritz Karinthy's Play Refund


[An one Act Play : By --Fritz Karinthy]

1. Some Points At a Glance

A. Introduction : This one act play is about a man of about forty years, who goes back to his school after eighteen years with a claim to have his tuition fees refunded because he thinks that the school did not teach him any thing worth, because he could not secure any job in his life. The school education had only made him a worthless ignorant person. 

At first the Principal was not ready for it, but later all the teachers gave him a re-examination, and they outsmarted him in it. Finally, he was collared-out from the Principal's office without being given any refund.

B. Genre : One Act Play/ Satire, it is a satire on the modern education system

C. Main Characters :

  • Wasserkopf (He is the central character who comes to his school after eighteen years because he thinks that he learnt nothing form his school)
  • The Principal
  • The Servant
  • The Mathematics Master (Another very important character, who leads through the events of the play, and finally outwits Wasserkopf)
  • The Physics Master
  • The Geography Master
  • The History Master
D. Time: School Hour
E. Place: The Principal's Office
F.  Major themes of the play:
  • Dissatisfaction with the modern education system
  • Personal responsibilities towards life
  • Discussion if 'education is for life or livelihood' 


2.Summary :

Wasserkopf was a man of about forty years. He was an incompetent person, and so he was unable to stick to a job. Whenever he joined a job, he used to be dismissed from there due to his incompetency. The result was that he was penniless and had started to think himself a fool.

Once when he was dismissed from his last job, and was moving along the streets, he met his old class mate Leaderer. Leaderer was going to the Foreign Exchange Office to receive the money which he had won by speculation. Wasserkopf could not understand it all and asked many questions about it. Then Leaderer said that he knew nothing, and so he should claim back his tuition fees from his school.

The idea stuck into his mind. He started to think that he had learnt nothing in the return of the fees he had paid to his school. The school was only responsible for his foolishness and incompetency. So the school must pay back his fees. Furthermore, he was in the need of some money too.

So he went to his school, where he used to be a student eighteen years ago. He met with the Principal and demanded the return of his tuition fees. He said that the school had taught him nothing. He should be re-examined and should be returned back his money.

 It was the first time that a man had come with such an odd demand. So the Principal was quite surprised at first. Then he asked Wasserkopf to wait for some time because without consulting with his staff he was unable to do anything.

An emergency meeting was called. It was decided in the meeting that Wasserkopf should be re-examined. But he should not fail at any cost, because if he failed and took back his fees from the school, it would be a tradition for ever. Many more students would then claim back their fees. So the teachers decided to ask him easiest questions, and to declare him pass even if he gave wrong answers.

Wasserkopf was called for re-examination. He started to insult the teachers to irritate them. But the teachers controlled themselves. The examination started. He was tested in History, Geography, Physics and Mathematics. Teachers asked easiest questions, and every time Wasserkopf was giving mindless answers intentionally. He wanted to be failed. But every time teachers declared the answers right.

At last came the turn of the Mathematics teacher. At first he asked a strange question. Wasserkopf could not understand it, but as usual he gave a mindless answer. But unlike other teachers, Mathematics teacher declared him failed.

Then he asked Wasserkopf how much he expected from the school. Wasserkopf was very happy. He immediately calculated and told the exact amount. But all of a sudden the teacher declared that it was his second question, and that Wasserkopf's answer was correct. He was declared pass in Mathematics also. Thus Wasserkopf was trapped.

At last the Principal declared the result. Wasserkopf was declared pass in every subject. Then the Principal called the servant, and ordered to oust (to throw out) Wasserkopf from the office. Thus he was shown out the office.


3. Unit Analysis

Unit 1.

[This unit starts with the opening of the play, and comes up to where the Principal asks the staff for a meeting.]

Gist : 

Mr. Wasserkopf, a man of forty years, is mentally disturbed because he is fired from his job. He is incompetent and doubts his own ability. His friend has given him the idea of asking his tuition fees back because he has learnt nothing from there. Wasserkopf likes this idea, and goes to school which he had left eighteen years ago.

As the unit opens, we find a servant informing the Principal that somebody, Mr. Wasserkopf, wants to see him. He is allowed in the office.

At first Wasserkopf introduces himself, but the Principal does not recognize or remember him. He reintroduces himself and reminds the Principal that he used to be a student of the school eighteen years ago. The Principal wants to know the purpose of his visit to the office. Wasserkopf tells him that as a former student he wants to get his tuition fees back, which he had paid eighteen years ago.

The Principal is puzzled to hear this, and asks why he wants so. Wasserkopf says that he didn't learn anything in the return of his fees. The school education has made him only an incompetent ass. He always gets dismissed from his job. 

After being dismissed from his last job, when he was walking along the streets, he met his old Leaderer. He was going to the foreign exchange office to claim his money which he had made by speculation. Wasserkopf couldn't understand all such things. Leaderer called him a fool, and suggested to visit his school and to claim back his money, because he had learnt nothing from there. Wassserkopf liked the idea, and so he came to claim his fees back.

At first the Principal takes it lightly. But Wasserkopf is serious. He is determined not to leave the place without settling the matter. 

Unit 2. 

 [In this short unit we find the Principal consulting with his colleagues about dealing with this new type of problem, and what the decision taken by them.]


Finding Wasserkopf so determined, the Principal calls an emergency meeting of this staffand puts forward the problem.

At first the teachers start to see the problem from the angles of their subjects. For example the Physics teacher says that it is natural according to the law of the conservation of energy that a student will lose as much knowledge as he has gained in a given period of time. The history teacher says that there is nothing like it in the history of civilization. The mathematics teacher wants to know whether Wasserkopf wants the amount with simple or compound interest.

But at last they become serious to the problem. The Principal says that Wasserkopf wants to be re-examined. The Mathematics agrees to it, and says that there is no harm in re-examining the man. Rather they will intentionally pass him. If he fails, takes his tuition fees back, a wrong tradition will start, and many more students will come with the same demand.

So at any cost they will pass him. For this they will ask him the easiest questions, and will declare him pass, his answers may or may not be correct. Everybody agreed to it.

Unit 3. 

[This is the longest unit which covers the complete re-examination, and how finally Wasserkopf is trapped by the Mathematics teacher.]


Wasserkopf enters the office to take his re-examination. He behaves very rudely insulting the teachers by calling them 'loafers'. The Mathematics teacher takes a chance of it, and says Wasserkopf's manners to be excellent (because he has approved of the school's custom of equal behaviour between teachers and students). The Principals declares Wasserkopf 'Excellent' in Manners. 

He is puzzled and demands again and again to be examined and to be asked most difficult questions. Teachers play trick and and mark him excellent in physical culture, alertness, perseverance, logic and ambition.

Then starts the proper examination. 

The first is History. The History asks how long the Thirty Years' War lasted. As all teaches want him to pass, they try to help him with the answer. The Physics teacher whispers the answer into his ears, and the Geography teacher shows him ten fingers three times. But Wasserkopf protests, and replies that the Thirty Years' War lasted for seven meters. No doubt the answer is absurd, the teachers accept it proving it right on the basis of Einstein's theory.

In his turn the Physics teacher asks if clocks in the church steeples really become smaller as one walks away from them or they merely appear to become smaller because of an optical illusion. 

Wasserkop's reply is that always as he walks away from the clocks, they get larger, and as he returns back, they get smaller. Though again the answer is wrong, the teacher proves it right because Wasserkopf has indirectly hinted that the decrease in size is only due to optical illusion. Thus he is "Very Good' in physics also.

In the Geography test the teacher asks what city of the same name is the capital of the German province Brunswick. Wasserkopf's reply is 'same'. Again it was a mindless answer, the teacher proves it to be correct and grades Wasserkopf 'Excellent' in Geography.

Now only  Mathematics is left. First the teacher says he will ask two questions -- one easy and the other difficult one. 

Then he asks quite a strange and odd question. Wasserkopf also gives a mindless answer. But unlike the other teachers, the Mathematics teacher declares him wrong. He says Wasserkopf should be returned his tuition fees back . This makes all the teachers much surprised. 

The Mathematics teacher asks Wasserkopf how much the school should return him. Wasserkopf was extremely glad. He immediately calculates and tells the  exact amount. It was 6,450 crowns and 50 hellers (Hungarian money). The teacher also calculated it, and said he was right. 

Then all of a sudden the teacher declars that it to be his second question, and Wasserkopf answered right. So he is 'Excellent' in Mathematics also. 

Now it was Wasserkopf's turn to startle.He is declared pass with good grades in every subject. Then he realized that he had fallen in a trap.

Unit 4.

[This is the conclusion of the play. Here Wasserkopf's result is declared, and he is shown his way out of the office.]


The Principal declares that Wasserkopf has passed with distinction in every subject, so the certificate awarded to him by the school is rightly  entitled to. The Principal congratulates him and themselves (he himself and the entire staff) for having taught him so excellently.

Then he calls the servant and orders him to show Wasserkopf out of the office. The servant seizes Wasserkopf by the collar and rushes him off . 

At last the Principal thanks the staff for magnificent cooperation.


4. [Exercises]

Before Reading

Answer these questions :

Question 1. Will you demand your tuition fees back from the school if you don't get any job in the future ?

Answer : No, there is no question of demanding tuition fees back from school in case I don't get any job. School certificate is not a guarantee of getting a job. It is only one of the criteria of getting it. It depends upon your skill, labour , presence of mind to get a job. In this age of competition one has to beat a huge number of competitors to get a job.

Furthermore, asking back fees is is only a foolish idea. At the time of Wasserkopf there was no social media. But in the present time, if I do it, it will be viral and then I'll have no place to hide my place.

Question 2. What do want to be after getting education ?

Answer : I am only an undergraduate student now. So I shall complete my graduation first, and then I shall pursue my education up to Master's Level.

After completing my Master's level I have an aim to be a university teacher. It has a good earning and a social prestige too.

Question 3. Does one's certificate show the talent of that person ?

Answer : No, I don't agree with this at all. Your certificate shows you have completed a particular level. You have secured marks by studying properly, or by cheating, or by gaining your teacher's favour.

Whereas talent is one's natural aptitude for a skill. People have different skills. Some have aptitude for Maths, or might be gardening, or any other field.


Understanding the text :

Answer the following questions :

Question a. Why does Wasserkopf demand a refund of his tuition fees from the school ?

Answer : Wasserkopf thinks that he didn't learn anything from the school in the return of the fees that he had paid at the time of his studies. The school has made him only an incompetent ass.

So he demands his refund.

Question b. Why does Wasserkopf considers himself a good for nothing ?

Answer : He thinks that his school didn't prepare him for the real life. He is unable to get a job for himself. So he considers himself a good for nothing person.

Question c. What did the teachers decide to do when Wasserkopf asked for a refund ?

Answer : They decided to give him a test (re-examination), and to pass him in every subject no matter his answers were right or wrong.

Question d. Why did Wasserkopf give ridiculous answers ? Why did the teachers accept these answers ?

Answer : He intentionally gave ridiculous answers because he wanted to fail the test. In that case would his tuition fees back.

The teachers accepted these answers because if they rejected his answers, Wasserkopf would get back his fees. This would also establish a wrong tradition and many more students would come back to ask for their fees back.

Question e. How does the Mathematics Master describe Wasserkopf's character ?

Answer : The mathematics Master describes him as a sly (cunning/ clever) and crafty individual who would try to get a refund of his fees by playing tricks on them.

Question f. How did the teachers outwit Wasserkopf ?

Answer : They outwitted him with their unity and wit. According to their strategy, they accepted all his mindless answers as right and in the end the Mathematics teacher gave a twist to the matter in his turn, and declared him in all the subjects.

Question g. What is the final judgement on Wasserkopf's demand of refund ?

Answer : The final judgement was he was declared pass with distinction in every subject. This shows that he was entitled to the certificate the school had provided him. So there was no question of the refund.

Reference to the context 

a. Read the extract from the play given below and answer the questions that follow:

 "It's possible I've changed. What the hell ... ! Your class records will show I've got a right to come here."

i. Who is the speaker ? Who is he speaking to ?

Answer: i. The speaker is Wasserkopf, and he is speaking to the Principal.

ii. Why does the speaker say these words ?

Answer : The Principal didn't remember him when he introduced himself telling his name. It is then that he says this.

iii. Where is the speaker at this moment ?

Answer : He in the Principal's office at this moment.

b. Read the extract dialogue given below and answer the questions that follow:

"THE STAFF: (bowing, heartily) How do you do ?

WASSERKOPF: Who the hell are you ?Sit down, you loafers ! (He grins, waiting to be thrown out)

THE PRINCIPAL: How dare you - ?"

i. What is to be the response to "How do you do?"

Answer : The response to this greeting is 'Fine thanks, and you ?'

ii. Is Wasserkop's response polite enough to the staff? 

Answer :  No, the response is not polite at all. Rather he is insulting the teachers by using such derogatory words.

iii. How does Wasserkopf rebuke the staff ?

Answer : He rebukes them by calling them 'loafers' and ordering them to sit down.

iv. What does the Principal mean by 'How dare you --'?

Answer: This expression shows the Principal's anger and intolerance at the insult of his staff by Wasserkopf.

c. Explain the following line of the play :

"Because I didn't get my money's worth, that's why !"

Answer : Here Wasserkopf tells the reason of asking back his fees. He wants to say that he didn't learn any thing worth in the exchange of the fees he had paid. His school education didn't enable him to get a job.

d. What is the  theme of the play ?

Answer : The theme of this play is weaknesses of modern education system, and what students expect from their school education.

e. Sketch the character of Wasserkopf.

Answer : Wasserkopf is the central character of the story. He is forty years old, and has no jobs at all. He is a broke (having no money). Every time he joins a new job, he is sacked from there. He has bad manners and a rude behaviour. He doesn't know to respect his teachers. He insults them by by using derogatory (showing disrespect) words. He himself says that he is 'good for nothing'.

Although he may be considering himself an intelligent person, he is not so. He is stupid and idiot. He literally takes his friend's suggestion, and goes to demand  back his fees. Furthermore, if he had been intelligent, he would not have fallen a prey in Mathematics teacher's trap.

Reference beyond the text 

Question a. This play is a satire on the present day education system. Do you think our education system system does not prepare students for life ?

Answer : This play is a satire on the present day education system. It is not only a satire on Hungarian education system. It applies to our country also. But I only half agree with the statement that 'our education does not prepare students for life'. 

Seen in the light of the present play "preparing for life" means helping to get a job. But education only as a tool of getting employment is not the only measuring rod, nor is that complete picture. Education can not be a synonym of employment. 

Yes, our education system has some weaknesses. Mostly our schools provide general education rather than technical one. There are only few technical schools/ institutions  in our country. Furthermore most parents choose to send their children to general schools, rather than to technical schools.

Again, preparing for life also means knowing how to behave, learning good manners. Nobody can deny that our education system is careful about this part of education. Our education inculcates such and many other human qualities in students. Our education develops a general aptitude in students, and they can nurture them and get prepared for their practical life.

Are these not also preparing for life !!

Question b. Our education system focuses on memorization rather than creative thinking. Do yo think the knowledge imparted by education may not have practical relevance in one's day-to-day life ? Who do you blame for it ?

Answer : Yes, I agree with both the statements given here. It is true that the knowledge imparted by education may not have practical relevance (being closely connected to/ appropriate) in one's day to day life. The main reason of it is our education system.

Firstly, our education system is mainly based on theories. There is either no, or very few practical approaches.

Our education mainly depends on rote learning and memorizing. Students memorize the whole answers just one or two days before the exams, and almost vomit them out on exam-sheets.  So, their achievement of the whole year depends on how much they could write in the exam hall. The practical and technical part of education is entirely absent -- so how can it have a practical relevance in our every day life ?

Now, who is to blame for it?

 The answer is -- the whole system, and all the stakeholders (concerning people) of education. The government has not been able to manage for enough teachers -- mostly in very rural areas of country.

The curriculum is not fully prepared in that way. Although there has been some practical parts included in curriculum, but the major part is not. Teachers are in a pressure to complete the syllabus within time. The guardians are more interested in what percentage of marks their children secure. Even in practical subjects, where practical tests are given, teachers are tempted and sometimes forced to give maximum marks to please some people.

But remember, until memorization system is not eliminated, education will be of little help in the practical side of life.

Question c. Most of the students want to learn just for examination rather than for knowledge. Do you think that certificate will help them in their career ?

Answer : Our education system mostly depends upon memorization and rote learning. Mostly students want to learn just for their examination rather than knowledge. They just want to sail through the exam, so that they can get a certificate, and they will be called educated. 

This certificate enables them to apply for different jobs. For this they either cram the whole answers, or cheat in the exams. Sometimes they find same other ways to secure better marks.

But the sad part of it is that this certificate never helps them in future career. Even if they secure a job, they can't perform their duties smoothly, because what they had memorized, are all gone from their heads. They never cared for acquiring the practical side of their bookish knowledge.

In order to be successful in jobs and careers only personal practical knowledge, skills and abilities work, and not the certificate.


5. Unit-wise Comprehension Questions and Answers

Questions From Unit 1.

Question 1. When does the Principal receive parents in his office ?

Answer : The Principal receives parents only during office hours.  

Question 2. Why can the servant not tell Wasserkopf about the office hours ?

Answer : He can not tell tell him about hours because Wasserkopf is not a parent.

Question 3. How does the servant know that Wasserkopf is not a student ?

Answer : Wasserkopf does not look to be very young and he has a beard. The servant's imagination is that a student must be very young and and should have no beards. So he thinks that Wasserkopf is not a student.

Question 4. Why can the visitor not be a school inspector ?

Answer : The servant says that the visitor looks to be a fairly intelligent man. At this the Principal makes a guess that the visitor can not be a school inspector because he thinks the inspectors to be stupid people. Here we should remember that this is a satire.

Question 5. How old does Wasserkopf look ?

Answer : He looks somewhat under forty.

Question 6. When was Wasserkopf a student in the school ?

Answer : He was a student there eighteen years ago.

Question 7. What has Wasserkopf brought back to the Principal ?

Answer : He has brought back his school leaving certificate.

Question 8. What does Wasserkopf want from the school ?

Answer : He wants a refund of his school fees which he had paid there eighteen years ago.

Question 9. Why does Wasserkopf looking for some cash ?

Answer : He is dismissed from his last job and is totally penniless now. So he is looking for some for cash. 

Question 10. Why is the Principal at a loss for words ?

Answer : He has been a school master since the last thirty years. But never in his life has anybody claimed tuition fees back. 

Now when suddenly Wasserkopf asks back his fees, the Principal is quite surprised and is at a loss for words.

Question 11. What do you know about Wasserkopf's nationality from the word 'Herr' ?

Answer : The word 'Herr' is the German equivalent for Mr.(Mister). Thus we come to know that Wasserkopf is a German.

Questions From Unit 2. 

Question 1. Why does Wasserkopf want to take another examination ?

Answer : Wasserkopf thinks that he has learnt nothing from his school. A re-examination will prove it, and in that case he will get back his tuition fees. So he wants to take another examination.

Question 2. How is he an unusual case for the school authorities  ?

Answer : Never in the history of civilization has a man asked back his tuition fees. Wasserkopf demands it, and so he an unusual case for them.

Question 3. How long has the Principal been in the teaching profession ?

Answer : He has been in the teaching profession since the last thirty years.

Question 4. Why according to the Physics teacher does a student lose knowledge ?

Answer : He thinks that a student loses his knowledge in a given period because the law of the conservation of energy works behind it.

Question 5. What does the History teacher say about the Bourbons ?

Answer : He says that the Bourbons learn nothing and forget nothing.

Question 6. What is the Mathematics teacher most concerned about ?

Answer : He is concerned whether Wasserkopf wants his amount with a simple or compound interest.

Question 7. Why, according to the Mathematics teacher, must Wasserkopf not fail ?

Answer : If Wasserkopf fails, it will be proved that he knows nothing, and he will demand back his fees. If this happens it will be a tradition, and many more students will come to the school with the same demand. Then the school authority will be in an awkward position. So he must not fail.

Question 8. What would the teachers do to achieve that end ?

Or, How can the teachers defeat Wasserkopf in this game ?

Answer : To achieve that end they would ask him easiest questions and declare him pass in spite of his answers (answers may or may not be right). 

Question 9. What do the teachers agree on before starting the test ?

Answer : They agree on to remain united and to accept all his answers right and thus to declare him pass.

Questions From Unit 3.

Question 1. Why does Wasserkopf rebuke the teachers ?

Answer : Wasserkopf is aggressive. He rebukes his teachers intentionally, so that they would get angry and throw him out of the room. Then it will be easy for him to ask back his tuition fees.

Question 2. Why does Wasserkopf want to fail in his examination ?

Answer : If he fails his examination, it will be  proved that he has learnt nothing from the school. Then the school will have to return back his tuition fees. So he wants to fail in his examination.

Question 3. Why did the students call the Physics Master a cannibal ?

Answer : They used to call him a cannibal because he was in the habit of chewing his thumb.

Question 4. How does Wasserkopf remember every little detail of the money he paid to the school ?

Answer : He remembers every detail of his fees very minutely. He attended the school for six in all. During the first three years the fee was 150 crowns quarterly. Total for three years it amounted to 1,800. During the second three years the fee was 400 crown semi-annually. Total 2,400 and 1,800 is 4,200.

Examination fees 250 crown 95 heller. Certificates, documents, books, stamp taxes, 1241crown and 43 heller.  Incidentals, stationary, note-books, stamp taxes, 786 crowns 12 heller. Grand total was 6,450crowns 50 heller.

Question 5. Which question does Wasserkopf answer well ?

Answer : He answers the last question of the Mathematics teacher. The question was how much money the school should refund him.

Questions From Unit 4.

Question 1. What is the final judgement on Wasserkopf ?

Answer : The Principal declares Wasserkopf to have passed with distinction in every subject, and that the certificate awarded by the school is rightly awarded to him.

Question 2. Did Wasserkopf get back his fees at the end ?

Answer : No, he didn't get his fees back.

Question 3. Who deserves credit for this result ?

Answer : The mathematics teacher deserves the credit because he tricked Wasserkopf into giving a right answer.

Question 4. How does the Principal send Wasserkopf out ?

Answer : He sends Wasserkopf out in a most insulting manner. He calls the servant and orders to show him out . Then the servant seizes him out by the collar and rushes him off.


 6Short Answer Questions 

Question a. How does Wasserkopf get the idea of a refund ? Elaborate.

Answer : He got the idea of a refund after his friend's suggestion for it. After being dismissed from his last job as he was moving through the street, he met his old class-mate. The friend told him something about Foreign Exchange Office which he didn't understand. 

Then the friend told that he had learnt nothing from his school, and that he should go and ask back his tuition fees.

Question b. Sketch the character or role of Mathematics master in the play Refund.

Answer : If Wasserkopf is the central character of the play, the Mathematics teacher is another important character. If he had not been there, Wasserkopf would have taken his tuition fees back from the school. He leads a dominant role in the play after he comes to know about Wasserkopf's demand. 

He is the most intelligent among all the others. By the briefing of the Principal he read Wasserkopf's character very well -- he (Wasserkopf) is sly and crafty. He foresaw that if they could not stop him, a wrong precedent (model/ example) would be established, and many more would come to school with the demand of refund of their fees. So, from the very beginning he had made a perfect plan to outwit Wasserkopf. He said he would show Wasserkopf that teachers are shrewd.

He not only made a fool-proof (never failing) plan to outsmart Wasserkopf, but also he ensured its success. At the end he brought such an interesting twist without which  the play would not have been interesting and successful.

Question  c. How do the derogative and abusive abusive words of Wasserkopf for the teachers are proved to pass him in other non-curriculum subjects ?

Answer : All through his re-examination Wasserkopf has been using derogative and abusive words for the teachers. But every time teachers mark him excellent in non-curriculum subjects (like manners, alertness etc.).

For example when at first he calls the staff 'loafers', by a strange explanation the Mathematics master gave 'Excellent' in Manners. Similarly, when with mean words Wasserkopf rejected to sit down, the Mathematics teacher awarded him an 'Excellent' in Physical culture, because his physical condition is god for standing.

Similarly he gets 'Very Good' in Alertness etc.

Question d. What is the question that the History master puts to Wasserkopf and what is the answer given by him in the play ?

Answer : The History master asked how long 'The Thirty Year's War' lasted. Wasserkopf's answer was that it had lasted for seven meters.

Question e. How according to the Mathematics Master and the History Master seven years can be seven meters ?

Answer : Although Wasserkopf's answer 'seven meters' in the place of seven years was a totally mindless answer, but the Mathematics Master proved it right on the basis of Relativity and Quantum theories.

The History teacher proved it right on the basis of exactly how much time the war was fought, deducting the night time, soldier's time for eating etc. and other non war like activities.

Question f. What is the question that the Physics Master put to Wasserkopf and what is the answer given by him in ?

Answer : The Physics Master's question is if the clocks in church steeples really become smaller as we walk away from them, or that is only an optical illusion. 

The answer is just the opposite. Wasserkopf says that as he walks away from the clock, they get larger, and when he turns round and goes up to the clock, they are not smaller.

Question g. What is the question that the Geography teacher puts to Wasserkopf and what is the answer given by him ?

Answer : The Geography teacher asked Wasserkopf to name the capital city of the same name Brunswick, a German province.

Wasserkop's answer 'Same'. If the name of the city is 'same', the name of the city is 'same'. 


7. Very Short Answer Questions

Question a : What did the servant tell the Principal ?

Answer : He told that there was a certain person Wasserkopf  who wanted to see the Principal. He had beards and didn't look like a student. 

Question b . Why did Wasserkopf come to the school after eighteen years ?

Answer : He came back there to claim back his tuition fees because he thinks that he did not learn anything from there in the return of his money.

Question c . Who gave him the idea to claim his fees back ?

Answer : His old classmate Leaderer gave him the idea to claim his fees back.

Question d . Who was Leaderer and what suggestion did he give to Wasserkopf ?

Answer : Leaderer was Wasserkopf's old class-mate . He suggested Wasserkopf to demand his tuition fees from the school.

Question e . Why did the Principal scratch his head ?

Answer : Wasserkopf's case was a completely a new and strange case. Nobody before this had demanded back his fees. The Principal was surprised and was unable to know what to do. So he scratched his head.

Question f . The Principal summoned his staff for a most extra-ordinary meeting. What did he tell them ?

Answer : He told them about the strange demand of Wasserkopf, which was a unique case in his whole career.

Question g . Why did the Principal consider Wasserkopf's case "a most unusual state of affairs" ?

Answer : He considered it to be a "most unusual state of affairs" because before this no student had ever come to school with a demand of refunding tuition fees because he had been able to get a job in life.

Question h . What were the views of the Mathematics teacher about re-examination ?

Answer : The Mathematics teacher was in the favour of giving Wasserkopf  a re-examination. He also said that they should pass him at any cost, thus they could stop check Wasserkopf from taking back his tuition fees.

Question i . What is the pedagogical scandal referred to in this play ?

Answer : Here pedagogical scandal  would be the situation if Wasserkopf took back his tuition fees from the school.

Question j . Read the following dialogue from the play and answer the questions that follow :

(rising) "I present the results of the examination. Herr Wasserkopf has passed with distinction in every subject, and has again shown that he is entitled to the certificate we awarded him on his graduation. Herr Wasserkopf, we offer our congratulations – accepting a large share of them for ourselves for having taught you so excellently. And now that we have verified your knowledge and your abilities – (he makes an eloquent gesture) get out before I have you thrown out!"

Qu. a. Who spoke the above lines ?

Ans : The Principal spoke the above lines.

Qu. b. What would he present ?

Ans : He would present the result of the examination.

Qu. c. How had Wasserkopf passed ?

Ans : He had passed with distinction in every subject.

Qu. d. What the teachers verified ?

Ans : They had verified Wasserkopf's knowledge and his abilities. 


8. Composition 

Question a. 'Education is for life, not for livelihood'. Expand this idea.

Answer : The play refund brings a discussion if education is for life, or is for livelihood. Wasserkopf came to ask back his money because his school education didn't bring him any job, or a means of earning money.

It is a sad thing that not only Wasserkopf, but mostly people think the same way. Now education has become a synonym for earning a living. Education has become related with getting a degree or certificate from a school or college for a job.

Although in this materialistic world no body can  completely deny the relationship between education and livelihood, but that's not the complete picture. It is both for life and livelihood.

Education for life is to learn 'how', 'why', 'when' and 'where' of life. It is to know how to tackle the different ups and downs of life. 

School/ college education along with personal skills and aptitude helps a man to get a livelihood in the society. The technical education is more for livelihood than general education.

Question b. Suppose you are going to deliver a speech on the Teacher's Day. Prepare a draft of your speech.

Answer :

 'Teachers' Day'. 

Dear friends,

Today is 5th October, and world teachers' day is celebrated on this date all over the world with much enthusiasm . Although different countries celebrate this day on different dates too.

Teachers have a dominant role in our lives. A good teacher is like a candle -- it consumes itself to light the way for others. They prepare the younger generation to face the future with courage and knowledge. Teachers are not there only to teach what is written in the books, they also guide us on the path of success in our lives. 

A teacher is our best friend, guardian, inspiration and a role model. S/he not only makes every student knowledgeable, but they also make students better human beings with moral values too.

So teachers' day is celebrated to honour and rcognize their invaluable contribution to the society. It is a day to respect our teachers and thank them for the efforts and hard works they put in every day all round the year.

The best way to celebrate the day is to express our gratitude to them for all they have done for us. We should be very respectful to them. Possibly we can bring some little gifts for our teachers. We can organize games also in their honours. 
Whatever may be the way we observe this day, it is a day to strengthen student-teacher bond. 

Question c. What would be your arguments if you were to ask for a refund of your tuition fees?

Answer : If I were to ask for a refund of my tuition fees, first I would say that the school education has not enabled me to have a deeper insight in the practical aspects of my life. It has not trained me to tackle with the different problems and aspects of life. That is to say, it has not provided me with a practical knowledge of how the world moves and how to tackle with the different adverse situations.

It has provided me only with a piece of paper as certificate which only certifies that I have gone through certain books and taken my examination. The certificate has left me no less than an educated fool. The institution has wasted my time, money and energy. If I had invested the same amount of time, amount and energy somewhere else, the return would have been many times better than what I got from my school.
So the school should return my tuition fees.

Question d. Write an essay on "Areas of student participation in college affairs".
Answer : To join a college or campus does not mean only to obtain degrees. Besides joining one's classes, there are some other aspects also where students should actively participate. This will also help in the overall development of their personality.

One such field is sports. Sports not only give a sound mind and a healthy body, they also teach us the value of co-operation and togetherness. 

Another such field is cultural activities. Students can choose this field also . They can organize different cultural activities like staging plays, musical nights, recitations etc. 

A students' volunteers groups can be formed. The volunteers can run different campaigns like adult education, blood donation etc. They can extend their hands to the poor and downtrodden of our society in different ways. They can also go to the local hospitals and look after the poor helpless patients and can help them in different ways.

Students are the people upon whom the hope and expectation of the whole nation rests. So, they should not be certificate oriented only, they should build-up themselves mentally, morally and spiritually too to build up a better nation

9. Letter Writing 

Question . Write a letter to your father/ mother explaining him/ her how your education at college will help you in planning your future.

Answer :

Civil Lines

Dear mother
It has been long since I have not received even a single word from you. This worries me. Hope you and daddy both are well

I am very busy because my exams are near at hand. After sailing through the examination successfully I shall step into the real world. For this I am preparing myself well through my studies. Though different people talk about the different purposes of education, but they all agree to one point. The purpose of education is to help one to lead a respectful life with an economic self-reliance.

An education that does not help one to achieve such things is useless.

The kind of education imparted to us in my colleges is not only examination and degree oriented. But it also provides us with the pragmatic aspects of education.

The knowledge of History and Literature give us enough insight into human nature. We know about achievements and weakness of human beings throughout ages.

The study of science cultures the habit of observation and verifying things. This will free us from superstitions and prejudices. The vocational education and the career guidance will help us in choosing a suitable occupation in future after leaving the school.

I am very hopeful that my education here in my college will help me much in planning my future.

Convey my pranam to dad, and love to sister.

Affectionately yours



  1. Thank you Sir for your feedback. This will encourage even more


  3. "A captivating one-act play that follows a disillusioned man's attempt to claim a refund on his tuition fees from the school, highlighting the debate on the true worth of education.

  4. Thank u bishal dai 🥲❤️


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