
Showing posts with the label Robert Frost

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost

  Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening [By -- Robert Frost] 1. Summary :  One evening the speaker was on his journey to his destination (the place to which some one is going/ goal). He was riding through a deep dark forest. The weather too wasn't good. There was a snow fall. The woods owner used to live in a nearby village, and the speaker knew him well. But he wasn't to meet the speaker at that time because he even didn't know that the speaker was there at time in such a worst time. It was the darkest and windy evening of the year with snow fall. Even the lake was frozen in extreme cold.  The speaker was attracted by the beauty of the woods and the snowfall. He stopped his horse and started enjoying the beauty there. But his horse thought it to be quite strange to stop in the cold, dark and lonely (solitary, uninhabited) jungle, even without a farmhouse to stay there at night. He gave a shake to his harness bells to warn his master that it was a mistake on his part to stop