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Sharing Tradition : by Frank LePana

  Sharing Tradition : By Frank LePana [The Writer] Introduction of the essay : The essay ' Sharing Tradition ' is about passing on culture and the different values from generation to generation through oral tradition.  The writer is talking about the importance of passing on cultural values through oral tradition. He has also talked about some (four) major major problems regarding to maintain oral tradition. What is oral tradition ?: Oral is a form of human communication wherein knowledge, art, ideas and cultural material are received, preserved, and transmitted orally from one generation to another.  The transmission may be through speech or song, or folktales by talking to  each other.  [Grand mother telling children stories of their culture : A form of oral tradition] ----------------------------------------- Summary : Oral tradition  helps maintain the value of a culture. It hands on all cultural values from one generation to another generation. If it were not so, our (anyb