Unchopping a Tree : Summary and Exercises

 Unchopping a Tree

[A Chopped Tree]

1. Introduction :

This essay is against deforestation. It wants to give us a message that if we can not unchop a tree, it is better not to chop down a tree. 

Chopping down a tree is so easy. But no body considers how to put back together a tree that has been felled (cut down). 

The writer here provides a step by step instructions to reconstruct a tree that has been cut down. But as we start following his steps, we find it just imp0ossible to do the job.

It is a very good example of 'pseudo-directive essay'. It means the speaker giving directions of doing some job, but when actually one wants to follow the given directions, s/he finds it to be impossible to follow the directions.

So such essays have a deeper meaning than their surface meaning.

Exactly the same happens in this essay. The writer has given directions of unchopping a tree, but it is impossible to follow the given directions.

So the essay has another message for the readers.

It is so easy to fell trees, but how to put back together a tree that is cut down. Can it be really done !! Certainly not ..... so the present essay comes up the message that if we can't put back a cut tree in its former condition, we have not right to fell (cut down) trees . 

Here he wants to draw our attention towards the irreversible effects of deforestation persuades the readers to preserve trees.

2. Short Summary :

In this essay the writer has given us directions of unchopping a tree. In other words he has told us how to put back a tree to its former condition (i.e. before it was cut down).

In order to unchop a tree one has to start with leaves and twigs. 

Firstly, all the leaves and twigs should be attached with the trunk. 

Then, if  any bee hives or spider webs are destroyed (while cutting the tree), they should also be mended and put back to proper places. If some nests are ripped off, they should also be put back to their respective places. 

After this step is completed, the neighbouring trees or bushes or such other growths should also be repaired if they have been damaged by the fall.

After this, a tackle and scaffolding should be installed carefully without damaging the neighbouring plants or bushes.

In the next step, the trunk  should be erected very carefully, and be put on the stump vertically. One should be very careful at this stage because the leaves and twigs, which have been just fixed, may fall.

After erecting the trunk and putting it on the stump, a proper adhesive should be used for fixing them. The adhesive will not be as real as the original substance. It will be rigid. So after being fixed by it, the tree will not be able to move, no natural movement of the tree or its dance with the wind will be there.

After this, the chips and saw dust should be gathered and return to their former positions. The fixative (or, adhesive) used for woodlayers should be used. If the chips and sawdust have got mixed with other elements, some other fixative should be used. Be careful, because sawdust gets mixed with earth very soon.

The adhesive for the chips is translucent. It is not so rigid. The adhesive for bark is transparent and the adhesive  for trunk and stump is rigid.

At last, the tackle and scaffolding should be removed carefully. It should be taken peace by peace and should be kept aside.

And now finally, the tree is unchopped. It is fixed. 

But it is not a success, because though we have put back the tree in its former position, we can not put back life into it. A strong wind will fell (knock down/ bring down) the tree immediately.

So, the conclusion is that if we can not put back back life into a tree, it is wise not to cut trees.



Question 1. Is unchopping a tree possible ? What does this essay suggest about conservation and against deforestation ?

Answer : No, unchopping a tree is quite impossible. Though mechanically perhaps we could put the chopped tree on its stump and glue the dead and ripped off leaves, but in fact, it is impossible to put back life in it.

As we start reading this essay, we find the writer has given step by step directions of unchopping a tree. But as we start working on his directions, we find the job is impossible.

In fact this text is an example of pseudo-directive writing, that is, the directions given in the text can not be followed, and so task is impossible.

This essay is a kind of discourse against deforestation. The speaker is making a strong case against deforestation. We are continuously clearing jungles after jungles recklessly without even thinking about the end of it. 

Jungles are not only indispensable for us, it is equally indispensable for all the creatures of the world. Trees are the living place of many many animals, birds and insects. By clearing jungle we are doing injustice with them. 

The underlying stream of persuasion is that if we can not put back life in a tree, why should cut them after all !! Thus the writing indicates where our unwise chopping off trees will lead us to.

Question 2. : Try to distinguish between the directive parts and any other part. What is the function of the non directive parts of the text ?

Answer : The lesson can be divided majorly into two parts: directive and non directive parts. 

Structurally, the directive part is mainly in imperative sentences and in the passive voice. For example-- "Start with leaves ... these must be gathered and attached once again to their respective places". 

In the directive part, the writer has given the step by step process of unchopping a tree. He has shown how to repair the torn leaves, twigs, broken branches and their stump of the felled tree.

The non directive part mostly contains statements. The function of this part is twofold : firstly, to provide comments on the unchopping activity. In other words, to give more meaning to what says. 

Secondly, and more importantly, it is through this part that he wants to persuade that though technically we can unchop a tree, but it is impossible to put back life into it  thus unchopping a tree is of no value. It is rather wise not to cut down trees. 

Question 3. : Single out any highly directive sentences. Does any seem to reveal the personality of the speaker ? How important is voice in a directive essay ?

Answer : There are certain highly directive sentences in this essay. Among them, the very first sentence and other sentences like "Practice and practice", and "put your hope in that" are some examples.

The second example reveals the speaker's personality. This and some other sentences reveal his personality in the sense they give us the impression that he has a command over the field, that he knows the job very well, and so he is giving us the directions.

Voice plays an important role in directive essays. Mostly directions are given in the passive voice.

[Image Source: Google Images]



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