
Summary and Exercises of poem Soft Storm

  Soft Storm   [Abhi Subedi : The Poet] [Poet's Profile: Abhi Subedi is a Nepali poet, playwright, columnist, translator and critic, who writes in Nepali and English. He towers high in the field of literature in Nepal. Mr. Subedi started as as a teacher of English at Tribhuvan University, and after returning from Europe taught Stylistic there. He taught for forty years at the central department of English, and headed the department for more than a decade.  His poetry collections like Manas (1974), Chasing Dreams : Kathmandu Odyssey (1996), and Shabdara Chot (1997) are extremely popular.  This present poem is the poet's deep reflections on the present scenario of Nepalese society.  With a touch of compassion the poet contemplates over the absurdities of tumultuous times. ] 1. An Overview of the Poem / (Short Summary): This poem is an expression of the speaker's feelings at the modern heartless, faceless society, where helpless, poor, downtrodden (oppressed or treated badly

Summary and Analysis of Tolstoy's Story 'How Much Land Does a Man Need ?'

  How Much Land  Does A Man Need ?                                By: LeoTolstoy Summary : This is a story of a peasant who had to lose his life due to his insatiable greed.  The central character of this story is Pahom. He was a peasant. He used to live with his family in a village. He had a contented life.  Once his sister in law (his wife's elder sister) came to visit them. She used to live in a town. As the two sisters were ta king tea, a dispute (an argument) took place between them on the matter if town life was better or farm life. The elder sister took the side of town life whereas his wife took the side of farm life.  As the two sisters were having a good discussion, Pahom was also there. He listened to them and thought that the country life was of course best, provided that one has enough land. He also thought that if they had enough land, he would not fear the Devil himself. The Devil was also present there. He knew what Pahom had thought. There the Devil planned to ruin