
Summary of story Two Little Soldiers By: Guy de Maupassant

Two Little Soldiers Summary in Points: The two friends Luc and Jean were comrades in the same barracks. They were in war for a long time, so they were homesick.  They had made it a ritual to visit and have a picnic lunch at a particular place in the woods, which was peaceful and reminded them of their homes.  There they met a girl, who was a dairymaid. They started meeting her every Sunday. They both fell in love in love with her. But they never talked about this topic with each other. Suddenly one week, Luc met the girl on two occasions in secret taking leave from the barracks. But he didn't tell anything about it to his friend Jean. It was only the next Sunday, Jean discovered the relationship between Luc and the girl. They made love and walked away together without paying any attention to him (Jean). He was much troubled and disturbed by his friend's treachery and unfaithfulness .  Later, while returning back to the barracks, he committed suicide by throwing himself in the r

Civil Peace, By Chinua Achebe

  Civil Peace : By Chinua Achebe [Summary, Important Questions-Answers, Interpretation and Analysis] Main Characters : Jonathan Iwegbu : The protagonist and the central character Maria Iwegbu : Jonathan's wife, a loyal and caring wife, like her husband she is also laborious Thief Leader : in charge of robbery in Jonathan's house, boldly declares himself as a thief The Army Officer  : who asked for Jonathan's cycle, took two pounds as a bribe form him ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summary :  This is primarily a story of how a person can remain positive and optimistic even in worst situations of life. It is a story of optimism, faith in God and a hard labour. The main character of this story is  Jonathan who has survived (continued to live in spite of danger) the Nigerian Civil War (also known as Biafran War). Although he has lost his youngest son in the war, still he is still happy to have c

The Wish - By Roald Dahl

  The Wish : By Roald Dahl [Summary and Important Questions and Answers] (The Writer) -------------------------------------------------------------- 1. This story is taken from the short story collection:  Someone Like You   2. Main Character : A Young Boy  3. Setting : A House in England  4. Main Theme :  Fear is the ultimate obstacle. As we read the story, the boy's feelings of fear become an obstacle for him. -------------------------------------------------------------- Short Summary :  This is the story of a boy who looks at a very big carpet with large black, red, and yellow patches of colour. In his imagination he took the red patches to be red hot lumps of coal, which might burn him, the black patches to be poisonous snakes , which might bite him. The only safe colour was yellow one. He decided to walk across the carpet only stepping on the yellow patches. He set this as a challenge for himself. He fixed a reward for himself too. If he could walk across it without getting b

Summary and exercises of the story God Sees the Truth But Waits -- Writer: Leo Tolstoy

  (God Sees The Truth But Waits) Main Characters: 1. Ivan Dimitrich Aksionov (The Protagonist) : A young merchant from Vladimir (Russia) who was sentenced for a crime which he had not committed. A good example of dynamic character 2. Maker Semyonich : (Antagonist) The man who caused Aksionov's sufferings. 3.  Aksionov's wife -------------------------------------------------------------- A Short Summary of the Story : This is a story of an innocent person who had to go through a severe punishment for a murder which he had not committed.  The main character of this story is Ivan Dimitrich Aksionov who was a merchant and used to live in Vladimir (Russia) with his family.  One day he started for Nizhny Fair for business, but his wife requested him not to go because she had a nightmare (very bad or fearful dream) about him. In her dream she had she had seen him returning from fair with all grayed hair. But Aksionov laughed at it and started for fair. On his way, he met another merch