
A Worn Path : Summary and Questions-Answers

  A Worn Path  --------------------------------------------------------- [Eudora Welty : The Writer] --------------------------------------------------------- Main Characters of The Story : Phoenix Jackson : She is named after the mythological bird which rises renewed from the ashes of a fire. She is taking a long and difficult journey only to fetch medicines for grandson A White Hunter Boy : He finds and helps Phoenix to come out of a ditch where she had fallen while walking through jungle An Attendant (in the doctor's clinic) : At first she is rude to Phoenix, but later she changed her attitude, and even gave her a nickel as a Christmas gift. A Nurse : She knowns why Phoenix has come. She is kinder to her and helps her by providing the required to her --------------------------------------------------------------- Some Major Themes of the Story: Life is a journey. It's not always smooth and easy, it's full of difficulties. Show strength in the face of adversity (diffi

Summary of The Loving Mother

The Loving Mother [Mothers are Always Loving and Affectionate] The Main Characters of the Story Shoji Sakota , The Pharmacist Sakota's Photographer Friend Mother's ghost (who comes every night to Shoji's pharmacy to buy an ame for her child) -------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction: The Loving Mother is a Japanese supernatural story. It's a ghost story in which we find the ghost of a mother, who not only arranges for food for her baby, but also brings into someone's notice that there was a baby there in her apartment. The event takes place in the Sapporo city of Hokkaido Island , Japan.  -------------------------------------------------------------- Short Summary of the St ory: The Loving Mother is a ghost story, in which we find the soul (ghost) of a mother trying to save the life of her child by leading some people to her apartment and thus giving the information that there was a living baby there.  Mr. Shoji

Malini : Summary and Questions-Answers

Malini   ------------------------------- (Image source : Google Images) ------------------------------- (Rabindra Nath Tagore/ The Writer, Poet) 1. Main Characters: Malini (Princess of a Hindu Kingdom/ The lead character of the play) The king (Malini's father) The Queen (Malini's mother) The Prince (Malini's brother) Kemankar (The antagonist or opponent of the play/leader of the revolt going against Malini) Supriya (Kemankar's friend) Many brahmins --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.  Some points to remember:    Malini is a Poetic play written by Rabindra Nath Tagore. It is in two acts. It is a story of love and hatred, religion and dogma (any belief or set of beliefs which people are expected to accept as true without questioning). It is the story of the conflict between Hinduism and Buddhism. It is also a story of religious harmony: Here  particularly Hinduism and Buddhism. Love, truth, peace, brotherhood and harmony are the major a

Speaking of Children : Summary and Questions and Answers

  Speaking of Children ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Short Introduction of the essay : This essay is related with population education. It expresses the writer's view that it is better to have only one child, rather than to have several children. When there is only one child, the parents can keep them in control and teach many good things, It is like brainwash.  But if there are plural children in a family, they start controlling parents. Out of many problems of plural children family, one is that the parents do not  have enough privacy. They don't have enough time to talk to each other. When the author tries to talk to her husband, they are always disturbed by their children. This makes it difficult for them to have a proper understanding between them. -------------------------------------------------------------- Summary: ( Question: Does this essay speak in favour or against having many children ? Give reasons. ) The wri