
Showing posts from 2022

The Grief, by Anton Chekhov

  The Grief (or  Misery) [Anton Chekhov : The Writer] Short Summary : The story Misery is written by Anton Chekhov, a very famous Russian story writer. This story is also known popularly as The Grief.  Some people also call it 'To Whom Shall I Tell My Grief'. It is all about people's insensitivity of towards others pain and anguish. The greatest distress (pain) for any old person is the death of his/ her young son. The same grief fell upon the luck of poor Iona, the central character of this story.  Iona was an old, weak cab driver. His young son Barin had passed away from the world, leaving him all alone . The death of his son had left his heart torn into pieces.  It is a common psychology that every human being wants to share his/ her grief with others. This sharing lightens the grief and relieves one's heart up to some extent.  But as Iona was all alone in the world, he had not been able to share his grief with others. He had not been able tell anybody that his only

Sharing Tradition : by Frank LePana

  Sharing Tradition : By Frank LePana [The Writer] Introduction of the essay : The essay ' Sharing Tradition ' is about passing on culture and the different values from generation to generation through oral tradition.  The writer is talking about the importance of passing on cultural values through oral tradition. He has also talked about some (four) major major problems regarding to maintain oral tradition. What is oral tradition ?: Oral is a form of human communication wherein knowledge, art, ideas and cultural material are received, preserved, and transmitted orally from one generation to another.  The transmission may be through speech or song, or folktales by talking to  each other.  [Grand mother telling children stories of their culture : A form of oral tradition] ----------------------------------------- Summary : Oral tradition  helps maintain the value of a culture. It hands on all cultural values from one generation to another generation. If it were not so, our (anyb

Summary and Exercise of A Day : by Emily Dickinson

A Day [Sunrise : Beginning of a New Day] Introduction : This poem gives meaning on two levels : On a literal level the poem describes the rising and setting of the sun, and on the metaphorical level this poem is about life and death. If sunrise is the beginning of life, sunset is the end of it.  Summary: In this little poem a little child presents a simple description of the rising and the setting sun as s/he sees it.  It begins with the description of the sunrise and and things happen with it. The speaker describes the sunrise and every thing that happens with it very confidently. It (the sunrise) is compared to a ribbon. It rises slowly, and it looks like a ribbon opening up gradually. The sunrays fall on the steeple of the village church The news of the sunrise has spread very fast all over. With the sun-rays, the darkness over the hills are gone and the birds are singing beautifully. At the sunset, the child speaker sees little children climbing over a stile (a set of steps). After