
Marriage as a Social Institution : Summary and Exercises

Marriage as a Social Institution   By -- Stephen L. Nock A. Essay in Points :-- 1. Marriage as a Social Institution  Marriage should not only a union of a man and a woman living together. It is more than a personal relationship.  Before starting to live together, they enter into marriage.  Marriage is an institution because it is governed by legal, cultural, social norms. The married couples can't break the boundaries of such norms. All such legalities, cultural and social norms give the 'marriage- institution' a structure and provide it a stability. This point makes marriage different from other types of relationships, particularly from cohabitation. 2. Marriage and Cohabitation Marriage is not the only way that men and women live together. There are many other alternative ways to do so. One of them is cohabitation (or, living together). There are several differences between the two.  Marriage is an institution, and it is socially, culturally and legally patter...

Humility , by Yuval Noah Harari : Summary + Exercises

  Humility ( By : Yuval Noah Harari) 1. Essay in Points : What is Humility : Humility is Humbleness, Modestness. It is the opposite of Arrogance. a. Introduction :  This essay is a comment on the superiority complex  of humans and their nature of having self importance in all the matters. This is egotism. We all think ourselves superior to other people. This the writer has said this in the reference of the confusing claims regarding the history of human civilization.  b. Illusions of Supremacy and Mastery : People of almost every country, religious group, or society think themselves to be forerunners of human civilization. They think the world became civilized only because of them. This is superiority complex. This is only egotism. All such claims are false. Here the essayist has proved such claims to be wrong.  c. Universality of Human Abilities : Rather than being the monopoly of this or that country or society, all human abilities and traits are universal. Mo...

Knowledge and Wisdom - By Bertrand Russell , Summary and Exercises

  Knowledge and Wisdom By : Bertrand Russell [Bertrand Russell ] 1. Introduction :  This essay has been written by Bertrand Russell, (1872-1970). He was a famous British philosopher, mathematician, logician and a social reformer. He has written on a variety of topics like philosophy, morality, economy and political issues. He received the Nobel Prize for literature in 1950. The present essay 'Knowledge and Wisdom' is one of his most read essays. The title of the essay gives a clear hint about the type of content the essay includes. The two key words in the title are 'Knowledge' and 'Wisdom', so this essay is all about what is  'Knowledge' and what is 'Wisdom'. Some people might consider Knowledge and Wisdom to be the same thing. But that's wrong.  Knowledge and wisdom are not synonymous to each other. Knowledge is all facts, information, and skills acquired through experience, learning and education. Wisdom is to make us wise. Wisdom is the p...

Unchopping a Tree : Summary and Exercises

  Unchopping a Tree [A Chopped Tree] 1. Introduction : This essay is against deforestation. It wants to give us a message that if we can not unchop a tree, it is better not to chop down a tree.  Chopping down a tree is so easy. But no body considers how to put back together a tree that has been felled (cut down).  The writer here provides a step by step instructions to reconstruct a tree that has been cut down. But as we start following his steps, we find it just imp0ossible to do the job. It is a very good example of 'pseudo-directive essay' . It means the speaker giving directions of doing some job, but when actually one wants to follow the given directions, s/he finds it to be impossible to follow the directions. So such essays have a deeper meaning than their surface meaning. Exactly the same happens in this essay. The writer has given directions of unchopping a tree, but it is impossible to follow the given directions. So the essay has another message for the readers...